Manage your documents

If you’re going to return to this customer site in the future, then you’ll want another copy of this document. To save yourself the trouble of duplicating and renaming the sections all over again at that time, why not save a copy of the document now? Then every time you go back to this site you can make a new copy of the saved document.

Click on the Client button in the main menu on the left to return to the list of clients. (The main menu is probably collapsed to just the icon, so you won’t see the “Clients” label.)

Navigate through your folders back to the document you’ve just created. Then click the Action button and select Copy.

This will raise a dialog box showing all your clients and folders. (It might take a short while to load if you have many clients.)

Enter a name for the new copy of the document, and select a folder where you want to save it, then click Copy.

(There’s a bug here – the new copy of the document gets saved with the original name, regardless of the new name you gave it. To work around that, after saving just click on the Action button again and select Rename.)