Build a document from a template
On the dashboard screen, click Clients in the menu on the left. This will take you to your list of clients.

Click on a client’s name and then select a folder. You can create new clients and folders here too.

Inside the folder, click on the Action button in the top right-hand corner and then select Create an App. (This label is wrong: it should read Create a Document.)

This will raise the Create New Document dialog. Enter a name for your new document, and select the template you want to base it on. Then click Save.

After creating your document, click the Action button and then select Edit Document.

This will open the document in the document editor. This is the same thing that your technician will see on his phone or tablet, except laid out slightly differently. You’ll notice that it’s also very similar to the app designer, except that there’s no toolbox and there are no edit buttons anywhere. That’s because here you’re going to edit your document, not design a template.

What we’re going to do now is to duplicate sections as appropriate to build the document up in preparation for an inspection on-site. Initially the document looks just like the template, with just the “Job Information” and “New Section” sections. (Perhaps we should have renamed “New Section” earlier!) So let’s suppose that there are three assets at this site, and so we want to duplicate the New Section three times.
Click on the root of the document in the left-hand pane, and then click the Plus button in the centre pane.

This will raise the Add Section dialog box. Select the New Section and click Add.

Click on the new duplicate section to open it.

Edit the section’s description. Typically you’ll want to enter the room number or unit number or whatever. You can also pre-fill the text field and pre-select any checkboxes.

Carry on and duplicate the section as many times as you need.
This was a very simple example, just to show you the general ideas. In particular, all sections are contained in the root level of the document, but in real life you might want to structure them into storeys and areas and so on. To do this you’d need to go back to your template and design the corresponding sections and subsections, and then create a new document based on the updated template.
Now you’ve got a document ready for your technician to complete on-site when he does his inspection.