Efficient inspections on-site on your phone or tablet. Capture your observations quickly, tag your photos automatically.
Write your report with a single tap. When you leave the site, the job is done and finished.
From simple checklists to complex structured surveys. High-level summaries to detailed reports. You design it all just the way you want it.
Conduct your inspections efficiently on-site on your phone or tablet with Rebel Inspect. When you’re done, tap a button and your report is produced automatically.
And do it all your own way. Create your inspection forms in our online app designer, from simple checklists to complex structured assessments. Design your reports any way you like in our online report designer, with fully flexible layout, styling and formatting. You control everything.
Whether you do pre-purchase building inspections, WHS inspections, fire safety audits or any other kind of inspection or condition report, Rebel Inspect captures your observations efficiently and produces your report automatically.
Design your inspection forms to suit yourself. If you want a simple checklist - you got it. If you want a more complex structured survey - no problem. If you want conditional questions that drill down into further detail, or if you want to add items on-site - sure thing. With our online app designer you can lay out your inspection app exactly the way you want it.
And if you want it all – a simple checklist for some jobs, a complex assessment for others – then you can have that too. Create as many inspection forms as you like.
Design your report just the way you want it. Lay out headings and text and photos any way you like.
Of course your reports get their data from your inspection forms, but that doesn’t mean that they have to follow the same structure. You’ll want to design your forms for maximum on-site inspection efficiency, which probably means that you’ll put items in the same order as you’ll find them on site. But you’ll want to lay out your reports for maximum readability, perhaps with the most important information summarised at the start, followed by the details in a logical structure that might be very different to how the inspection forms are laid out. This flexibility is child’s play with Rebel's online report designer, another feature that sets it apart from other inspection apps.
You can even produce several different reports from a single inspection. For example, a detailed technical report for your workers, a textual non-technical report for your customer, and a high-level summary report for management.
Custom inspections
Custom reports
Fully automatic reports
Multiple reports per inspection
Android and iPhone/iPad
Tag any object
Draw on your photos
Add items on-site
Translate technical terms
Dynamic comment library
PDF reports
Microsoft Word reports
Work offline
Completion status
Contact us
(02) 9361 3536
156/6–14 Oxford Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010